Refund Policy


At Ceryne, we are committed to ensuring your satisfaction and always strive to keep our esteemed customers happy!

Please note that orders cannot be canceled once they have been delivered. Additionally, all products sold on our website are on a no-return, no-exchange basis. However, if your order has been shipped but not yet delivered, and you wish to cancel it, the shipping charges will be deducted from your refund.

We take great care to ensure that your order reaches you in perfect condition. Our logistics partner uses the latest transportation technology and top-quality packaging materials to protect your product during delivery.

In the rare event that your product or its packaging arrives damaged, please inform us immediately. You can email us at with photographs of the damaged item. Once we receive your request, our customer support team will verify the claim and arrange for a replacement as soon as possible. Please note that returns and refunds are not accepted.

For any assistance in canceling your order, feel free to contact us at:
Phone: +91 88619 38759